English is my first language and the only one I share with my mom. Aside from my ability to greet people, thank people, swear at people and order food I don’t speak Vietnamese.
English is not my mother’s first language. Sometimes it’s questionable if it’s her second.
Mom: “Have you heard of hairy pickles?”
Me: Uhh…what???
Mom: Hairy pickles. Or…no…pickled harrys.”
Me: “…uhh…hairy pickles??”
Mom: “YOU KNOW. They come in a jar…oh, what are they…”
Me: “I absolutely DO NOT KNOW. I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Mom: “Ugh. You can buy them at Ikea. They have lots of flavors. Hairy something…”
Me: “Pickled Herring???”
Mom: “YEAH! THAT’S IT! See! You know.”